Learn How to Make Sponge Cake: Easy Recipes, Tips and Tricks to Make Even Your First Time a Success! (2020) (2024)

Want to know the secret of making a great cake? Absolutely and it's as easy as following the technique to the tee. Baking is about precision. It sounds tempting but is also a little intimidating. The quantity should be right, the temperature spot on and the timer set. Avoid the most common mistakes that you need to stop making and put these tips in practice for the perfectly soft sponge, every time.

Table of contents

  • Significant Types of Sponge Cakes
  • Light and Airy Sponge Cake Recipe
  • Vegan Cakes for Environmentally Conscious
  • Important Baking Techniques

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Significant Types of Sponge Cakes

Learn How to Make Sponge Cake: Easy Recipes, Tips and Tricks to Make Even Your First Time a Success! (2020) (5)

Source www.bbc.co.uk

Soft and downy, totally indulgent, melt-in-your-mouth texture; Sponge cake is all that and more. With its roots in Italy, the sponge cake dates as far back as the victorian era. What differentiates it from the other cakes is the fact that it doesn't use any leavening agent. Instead, whipped egg whites add the much necessary air into the cake, for the all-important texture.

Sponge cake has quite a lot of variations, depending on which part of the world you are from. But what stays consistent is the soft and airy texture. However, there are 5 main types, from which the other varieties derive their taste and feel.


Biscuit has a different meaning in the UK and the US. But here, we refer to the sponge cake wherein you use no leavening agent. And instead, the air trapped when you fold in the egg whites give it the soft texture and help it rise. The eggs are split up and beaten separately. Whip the whites and sugar together to form meringues. Fold in the meringue and beaten egg yolks with the flour. The resulting batter is very smooth and light. However, it is dryer than other sponge cakes and for that matter, moisten it with syrup before assembling. The Black Forest and White Forest cakes use biscuit sponge cakes as their base.


Genoise sponge derives the name from its place of origin, Genoa in Italy. Like other sponge cakes, it is very light and delicate. While the cake doesn't include any leavening agent, melted butter is added and the eggs are beaten as a whole. The eggs are whisked along with sugar over boiling water until its an airy foam. This method allows the mixture to incorporate air, and the melted butter adds the much-needed moisture. You can also add cocoa to the mixture to make chocolate genoise cake. Their fluffy texture makes for awesome layers for the Forest cakes, and other layer cakes with fruit fillings, pastry creams, and buttercreams.

Angel Food Cake

Angel food cake is very different from the other sponge cakes, in the fact that it uses egg white alone. This cake uses no fat of any sort. Whip the egg whites to a stiff peak, along with sugar. The sugar gives it the support to retain the volume. The dry ingredients are then folded in gently to avoid collapse. The absence of fats and egg yolks gives the cake a white colour, which gives it the name Angel Food Cake. It is light with no fat but high in sugar. Serve Angel Food Cake in full with fruit-based glaze or a sugar glaze. Keep an eye out so that you don't disturb the soft texture of the cake while slicing.

Chiffon Cake

Chiffon cakes, informally speaking, a hybrid between genoise cakes and angel food cakes is a light and airy cake that is also moist and tender. The cake uses a rising agent along with egg yolk resulting in a rich cake but fluffy like sponge cakes nonetheless. As in Genoise cakes, separate the whites and the yolks; Beat them individually. Whip the whites to form soft peaks. The oil content in the chiffon cake makes for a moist cake that doesn't set fully at room temperature. Hence these cakes are perfect for gateaux that need chilling along with fresh fruits and chocolate.

Victoria Sponge Cake

Victoria cakes top the list of sponges, simply because it is relatively healthy, and is used as a dry cake. It was made famous by Queen Victoria, who had it for afternoon tea with jam and whipped cream. The Victoria Sponge Cake is the lightest of them all and favoured by bakers all over England. It uses the creaming method, unlike the other sponge cakes. This renders a rich, moist cake while retaining the airy texture of a traditional sponge cake. The cake should be had as such, without any layering or icing, except the above combination.

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Light and Airy Sponge Cake Recipe

Italian Chocolate Sponge Cake

Made with just 4 ingredients, the Italian Chocolate Sponge Cake relies on well-beaten eggs for rising. It can be used in desserts like tiramisù, cassata, and Zuppa Inglese. Soak it in your favorite mixture, and layer it with jam or cream. Elena, the brain behind As Easy As Apple Pie has more deets on the cake if you are interested.


  • Granulated Sugar - 120 grams (½ cups + 1½ tbsp)
  • All-Purpose Flour - 100 grams(1 cup - 2 tbsps)
  • Eggs - 4 (extra large)
  • Cocoa Powder - 20 grams (3 tbsps)
  • Pan - 7-8 inches

How to Make:

  • Preheat the oven to 170℃.
  • Butter the pan and dust it with flour.
  • Whisk the eggs and sugar together until they are pale in color and fluffy.
  • Sift together, flour, and cocoa powder little by little, and fold it into the egg mixture.
  • Transfer the batter to the cake pan.
  • Bake for about 40 minutes. Do not open the oven door for the first 20 minutes.
  • Check with a toothpick to confirm the center’s cooked. Turn off the oven.
  • Slightly open the oven door, propping with a spoon. Do not remove the cake for the first 10 minutes allowing it to cool slowly in the oven.
  • After 10 minutes, remove it and allow it to cool outside, before transferring to a wire rack.

The eggs should be extra-large, and at room temperature. Beat the eggs and sugar together for 15 minutes, for it to reach the ribbon stage and increase at least triple in volume.

Vanilla Sponge Cake with Vanilla Buttercream Icing

A light sponge cake made with a recipe from the ’80s tweaked to fit the recent times. The tweaks include the buttercream icing for that decadent look and taste. Peter from Souvl aki for the Soul, has this recipe and more for your inspiration.


For the Cake

  • Eggs - 4
  • Plain Flour - ⅔ cup
  • Corn Flour - ⅓ cup
  • Castor Sugar - ¾ cup
  • Vanilla Extract - 2 tbsp
  • Baking Powder - 1 tsp
  • Baking Tins - 2 measuring 8”

For the Buttercream Icing

  • Icing Sugar - 2 cups
  • Unsalted Butter - 200 grams
  • Milk - 2-3 tbsp
  • Vanilla Extract - 1 tsp

How to Make


  • Preheat the oven to 160℃. Grease and line the 2 baking tins.
  • Start by beating the eggs for about 2 minutes, until it doubles in volume.
  • Add in the sugar (in thirds) and vanilla. Beat for 5 more minutes.
  • Sift both the flours together (3 times). Fold in the mixture through the batter till they are combined.
  • Pour equal amounts of batter in both the tins.
  • Bake for 25-30 minutes. A toothpick inserted should come clean.
  • Remove it from the oven and let it cool for about 5 minutes.
  • Transfer to a wire rack and allow to cool completely.

Buttercream Icing

  • Mix all the ingredients for about 5 minutes, until light and smooth.
  • Spread the icing on one side of the cakes and the remaining all over the cake. Smooth it over and serve it soon after.

Do not tap the pan to settle it; you might lose some air bubbles.

Be precise with the measurements.

Microwave Mug Sponge Cake

Except that it is made in a microwave under 2 minutes, there’s nothing special in this sponge cake. Just that it is delicious and light, like your traditional sponge cake. If mug cakes and mug meals, is your thing, you should check BiggerBolderBaking by Gemma Stafford.


  • Egg - 1
  • Butter - 2 tbsps
  • Flour - 6 tbsps
  • Milk - 2 tbsps
  • Almond Extract - 1 tsp (optional)
  • Vanilla Extract - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - ¼ cup
  • Baking Powder - ¼ tsp
  • Salt - pinch

How to Make

  • Melt butter by microwaving for 30 seconds. Whisk in the egg, milk, vanilla, almond, and sugar.
  • Add the flour, salt, and baking powder. Mix the batter until smooth.
  • Microwave for 1 minute and 20 seconds.
  • Serve with whipped cream and berries.

Refrigerate the batter and used it when needed. The time also depends on your microwave wattage.

You can also substitute eggs with mashed banana, applesauce, yogurt or buttermilk.

Easy Sponge Cake Roll

Soft and fluffy sponge cake layered with jelly and fruits rolled to form swirls makes for an impressive dessert. While it may look hard, it isn’t in reality. Follow this recipe from Incredible Egg, and you have your favorite dessert within an hour.


  • Egg Whites - 6 large
  • Egg Yolks - 6 large
  • Cream of Tartar - ¾ tsp
  • Granulated Sugar - ⅔ cup
  • Vanilla - 1 tsp
  • Salt - ¼ tsp
  • All-Purpose Flour - ¾ cup
  • Sifted Powdered Sugar
  • Jelly Roll Pan - 15½ x 10½ x 1-inch

How to Make

  • Preheat the oven to 200℃. Coat the jelly pan with cooking spray, and line with parchment paper. Spray the paper again with cooking spray.
  • Beat the egg whites and the cream of tartar until it turns foamy. Add in ⅓ cup of sugar little at a time until it is dissolved. Continue beating until the egg whites form soft peaks.
  • Beat the egg yolks in a clean bowl for about 3-5 minutes. Add in the remaining sugar while beating it. Finally, add vanilla and salt.
  • Sift the flour and add it to the egg whites. Add in the egg yolks. Fold everything gently until mixed uniformly. Spread over the greased pan.
  • Bake it for 10-12 minutes until the center springs back when tapped.
  • Spread powdered sugar over a clean kitchen towel. Flip the cake to the towel, and peel off the parchment paper.
  • Spread the filling of your choice. Trim all the edges using a serrated knife. Roll from the short end using the towel as a guide.
  • Move it to the wire rack to cool.

Freeze the unfilled cake rolls for further use. Bring it to room temperature before use and add the filling.

Always add the sugar little by little after the whites and the yolks have been beaten for maximum volume.

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Vegan Cakes for Environmentally Conscious

Vegan Sponge Cake

Eggs are a major part of a sponge cake especially the ingredient that is the reason for its texture. But the vegans out there need not be disappointed. Here is the perfect vegan version from Isa Zucker from Zucker Jagdwurst.


  • Flour - 225 grams (2 cups)
  • Sparkling Water - 250 ml (1 cup)
  • Plant-Based Oil - 50 ml (.25 cup)
  • Sugar - 170 grams (.85 cups)
  • Vanilla Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Baking Powder - 2 tbsp
  • Circular Cake Pan - 9”

How to Make

  • Preheat the oven to 180℃. Combine flour, baking powder, sugar, and vanilla sugar in a bowl.
  • Add in the oil and sparkling water.
  • Grease the cake pan and pour in the batter. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean.

The cake should be golden brown. Keep it as an indicator and change the timings accordingly.

You can add ginger ale or sprite or root beer depending on your taste.

Vegan Lemon Sponge Cake

Isn’t it even summer without making a lemon cake? The sourness of lemons combined with the sweetness of the cake brings you deliciousness with every bite. Lindsay who runs Vegan Yumminess has this delectable Vegan Lemon Sponge Cake recipe for you


For the Cake

  • Unbleached All-Purpose Flour - 3 ½ cups
  • Cornstarch - ¼ cup
  • Salt - ¾ tsp
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Baking Powder - 2 ½ tbsp
  • Ground Turmeric - ¼ tsp
  • Lemon Zest - 3 tbsp
  • Lemon Juice - 1/4 cup
  • Lemon Extract - 1 tsp
  • Vanilla Extract - 1 tsp
  • Apple Sauce - 2 tbsps
  • Oil - ⅔ cup
  • Almond Milk - 1 ⅔ cup

For the Glaze

  • Lemon Juice - 2-3 tbsps (1 lemon)
  • Granulated Sugar - 3 tbsps

For the Frosting

  • Confectioners’ Sugar - 1 ¼ cup
  • Lemon Juice - 2 ½ tbsps

How to Make


  • Preheat the oven to 180℃. Mix flour, corn starch, salt, baking powder, turmeric, and lemon zest in a mixing bowl.
  • Combine lemon juice, lemon extract, almond milk, sugar, oil, applesauce, and vanilla in a separate bowl.
  • Mix the wet and the dry ingredients and whisk until combined.
  • Grease and dust a large bundt pan with flour.
  • Pour the batter in the pan and bake for about 50-55 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes clean.
  • Remove from the oven and rest for about 5 minutes, before transferring to the wire rack.


  • Bring both the ingredients to boil in a saucepan and simmer for 3 minutes.
  • Remove from the heat. Apply on to the pastry when it is still warm.


  • Combine both the ingredients. Add the sugar little by little until it is thick enough to show the spoon tracks.
  • Let the cake cool down completely. Drizzle the frosting on the cake, letting it fall down the sides too.

Make sure your bundt pan holds 10-15 cups of batter.

The frosting has to be slightly runny so that it drips down the cake but not watery.

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Important Baking Techniques

Cake making is a science, based on precise ingredients and techniques. Depending on how you want your cake to be, dense and rich, light and airy, or maybe even crumbly, baking techniques differ. If you do not want your cake to be soggy with a sunken middle, you need to master the following techniques. Once you get a hold on them, you can merrily bake away.

  • Creaming is of the more traditional methods and a bit technical too. It starts with softened butter which is beaten to give it a creamy texture. Then add sugar and keep whisking until it is pale and creamy. Once this stage is reached, add the eggs one by one followed by dry ingredients. This method aerates the cake mixture to give it an airy texture.
  • Whisking is used for making sponge cakes that include no fat i.e butter. Here, whisk the eggs along with the sugar over hot water, until all the sugar dissolves. Once the sugar is dissolved, whisk it for 10 more minutes to incorporate air in the mixture. Then, add the flour and fold it in so as not to lose the air bubbles.
  • Rub-in is used in making pastry and bread. Cut butter into small pieces and rub it into the flour using your fingertips and thumbs. This coats the flour with butter and looks like bread crumbs. Finally, add the other wet and dry ingredients. Wait till you incorporate everything and stop the mixing to avoid overworking the dough.
  • All-in-One is one of the quickest and go-to techniques in baking. As the name indicates add all the ingredients, wet and dry in one go and whisk together to make the cake batter. In this case, you need a rising agent since the air incorporated during whisking is simply not enough.
  • Melting is widely used in making gingerbread, fruit cake or dense chocolate cakes. Cakes made by this method are rich and moist. The reason being, there is no whisking involved in aerating the cake batter. To start with, melt the butter and cool it to room temperature. Once it cools down, add the eggs and mix in. Finally, add in the dry ingredients along with a rising agent. Again, avoid overworking the cake as it results in a dry cake.


Sunandha Wilis

After spending 12 years in the hectic corporate world, Sunandha quit the industry to follow her passion for writing. She enjoys writing on a variety of subjects including travel, health, beauty, fashion and technology. Apart from writing she also dons the hat of an editor from time to time. Her time off is spent listening to music and wrestling with her boys.

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From our editorial team

Enjoy the Receipes

These favourites will help you find your next best sponge cake recipe. Choose from chocolate sponge cake, vanilla sponge cake, and more! Every one of these recipes is a winner, so choose the flavour you're craving and start mixing up the batter.

Learn How to Make Sponge Cake: Easy Recipes, Tips and Tricks to Make Even Your First Time a Success! (2020) (2024)


What to avoid when making sponge cake? ›

  1. You didn't use enough dry ingredients (flour/ cocoa/ sugar). ...
  2. Poor quality dry ingredients. ...
  3. You mixed everything on high speed. ...
  4. You opened the oven in the process of baking.
  5. You got it out of the oven too soon.
  6. You used a spoon or a mixer to combine the wet and dry ingredients. ...
  7. The dough isn't baked.

Why is my sponge cake not light and fluffy? ›

Make sure that all of the ingredients are at room temperature. If the ingredients are at different temperatures then they may not combine properly and the cake will be dense. If the eggs are stored in the fridge then remove them several hours before using, so they are properly at room temperature.

Why do sponge cakes fail? ›

Too flat/didn't rise

If your cake failed to rise, check you put the raising agents in it. Also, check your raising agents are in date as out-of-date ones won't have the same oomph. It could also be a symptom of it not being cooked enough, in which case, pop it back in the oven for a few more minutes.

Is sponge cake better with oil or butter? ›

The high fat content of butter keeps the sponge moist and tender whilst also providing a delicious buttery flavour that you won't get with margarine or oils.

What causes a sponge cake to be heavy? ›

Another possible reason is if the cake was over-baked. This generally causes a sponge to become dry but this can then lead to it being dense and heavy. If you baked it for the recommended time it may mean that your oven is running hot and that the baking time needs to be shortened slightly next time you make it.

Why is sponge cake so hard? ›

Over mixing acts on the gluten in flour and will make cakes hard instead of the lovely soft spongy texture we associate with a good cake. Insufficient creaming of sugar and eggs will also make a tight texture because there isn't enough air trapped in the mix to give it a lift.

What keeps sponge cake moist? ›

Add Sour Cream

To help prevent a dry, dense cake, let's add a creamy and light wet ingredient. Milk is usually required in a cake recipe to thin out the batter and lighten up the crumb, but sour cream is often overlooked. In addition to milk, add a Tablespoon or 2 of sour cream.

What is the difference between a sponge cake and a Victoria sponge? ›

The Victorian creation of baking powder by English food manufacturer Alfred Bird in 1843 allowed the addition of butter to the traditional sponge recipe, resulting in the creation of the Victoria sponge. Cakes are available in many flavours and have many recipes as well.

Why is my sponge cake so flat and hard? ›

If your cake is hard, the problem probably lies in the beating. The butter must be beaten well in the early stages to give the mixture enough air for a light and fluffy texture. To achieve this the butter must be lukewarm and therefore not too hard.

How do you get the lightest sponge? ›

Fresh, room temperature eggs hold more air than old or fridge cold ones, so this will give you a head start on creating a lighter sponge. At once would make the mixture too heavy, stopping it from whipping up. Adding them one by one means you can avoid knocking the air out of the mix.

How do you make a sponge cake rise evenly? ›

What Can You do to Achieve a More Even Bake?? The solution to this problem is to cool and insulate the outside of the pan a bit with some water. You can do this by applying wet strips of cloth called cake strips to the vertical edge of the pans. You just soak them in water, wring them out a bit and slide onto the pans.

Can you over beat a sponge cake? ›

Sponge cakes—like chiffon and genoise—have similar cause for concern, as they will deflate if overmixed. Flourless cakes, however, or those relying on gluten-free flours, are some of the least sensitive to overmixing (if they don't rely on whipped egg whites).

Do you leave sponge cake in tin to cool? ›

Cooling cakes

Recipes will usually give instructions for cooling but as a general rule, most sponge cakes are best left for a few minutes and then turned onto a cooling rack to avoid soggy edges. Rich fruit cakes are better cooled in the tin.

How will you make the cake fluffy and spongy? ›

Tips for moist and fluffy sponge cake
  1. Make sure that the butter you use is not too cold. ...
  2. You want your cake to be pale yellow and fluffy. ...
  3. Cover your tin in baking paper, butter up the sides, top off with butter on the baking paper and bake up wonders, cook. ...
  4. Bake your prepared batter immediately when it is ready.

Why shouldn't you grease the pan when making a sponge cake? ›

The batter uses the pan's sides for support, as it is essentially rising along them. If the sides are slick and greasy, though, it will slip and sink back down again. As a result, the finished cake will be flat, not fluffy.

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Because of this caster sugar is generally the most versatile and preferred of the two when baking – its small granules mixes more easily and dissolve more readily when combined with other ingredients giving biscuits, cakes, pastries etc.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.